Biocides: new German rules on national notification

If you have placed a biocidal product on the German market before 26 August 2021, you must confirm your notification by 31 March 2022 if the product is to remain on the market.

The Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) in Germany has published a new ordinance for national product authorisation of biocidal products, which replaces the previous one from 2005.

This will affect products that have been registered with BAuA before 26 August 2021. A new confirmation of the product notification must be submitted by 31 March this year and must be reconfirmed every two years for as long as the product is to remain on the market.

In addition to the information that had to be submitted as part of the previous notification, all new notifications must include the following:

  • Concentration of the active substance in the biocidal product
  • Information on compliance with article 95 of the EU Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR)
  • Evidence of the attributed effectiveness of the biocidal product

Failure to meet the above requirements will imply that the product must not be placed on the German market.

To learn more about regulation of biocides, please contact:

Michael Fink
Tel +45 4516 9156