Contribution values for substances from Carbon Capture plants

DHI has carried out health assessments and derived contribution (C) values for selected substances that may be emitted from the carbon capture technology.

The selected substances are amines, amino alcohols, nitrosamines and nitramines. The work was carried out for the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. The substances may occur in air emissions when using the Carbon Capture (CC) technology. In this technology, CO2 from flue gases is captured allowing CO2 to be compressed and stored.

Health-based quality criteria and C-values have been set for a number of amines and amino alcohols in the report:

The second report focuses on assessment and emission of C-values for nitrosamines and nitramines, which are harmful substances that may be formed in the CC process from the use of the amines and amino alcohols:

Besides the reports, data sheets in Danish have been made for the Danish Environmental Protection Agency with a short summary of the assessments and the derived C-values.

For more details, please contact the co-lead author of the reports:

Poul Bo Larsen  
Tel +45 4516 9478