The amendment was adopted by the European Commission in December 2018 and clarifies what information companies placing substances in nanoform on the market need to provide in their registration dossiers. The new rules apply as of 1 January 2020.
Through a series of short video animations, the data requirements for nanoforms according to the REACH guideline documents and the amendment of December 2018 are explained. It includes a summary of the following:
- Introduction to nanomaterials
- Definition of nanoforms in REACH
- Overview of nanoform-specific annexes to existing REACH guidance
- How to identify nanoforms of a substance and prepare for registration, including how to prepare a set of nanoforms
- Nanoform-specific test requirements in REACH according to tonnage level
- Exposure and risk assessment of nanoforms
- Description of tools for risk assessment of nanomaterials
The web-tool can be accessed on or
eREACHNano has been developed to help small and medium-sized companies that may not have sufficient in-house expertise in regulation on nanomaterials. The tool is developed by a working group of the Nordic Council of Ministers, N-Nano, and DHI.
The eREACHNano project is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers, the Nordic Working Group for Chemicals, Environment, and Health, and by DHI.
For more information, please contact:
Daniel Vest Christophersen
dvch@ dhigroup. com
Tel +45 4516 9469