Low risk of aluminium uptake from antiperspirants

The risk of dermal uptake of aluminium from antiperspirants is significantly lower than previously assumed, concludes the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, BfR, in a recent opinion.

Consumers can take up aluminium from various sources, and antiperspirant deodorants have been believed to be an important source of the total intake.

In 2014, the BfR made an assessment based on limited data warning of the health risks posed by antiperspirants containing aluminium. Recently, new clinical studies with more reliable data have been published, and in their latest opinion the BfR states that adverse health effects resulting from the day-to-day use of antiperspirants are unlikely.

For more details, view the BfR opinion: New studies on antiperspirants containing aluminium: impairments to health unlikely as a result of aluminium uptake via the skin*

Consumers should still be aware of excessive aluminium absorption. As an important source of aluminium uptake is through food, this means preventing acidic and salty foods and beverages from coming into contact with aluminium in bottles, baking trays and grill pans.

For more information on aluminium in consumer products and food contact materials, please contact:

Helle Buchardt Boyd   
Tel +45 4516 9097


* The BfR opinion is also available in German: Neue Studien zu aluminiumhaltigen Antitranspirantien: Gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigungen durch Aluminium-Aufnahme über die Haut sind unwahrscheinlich