Many chemical mixtures labelled incorrectly

Close to 45% of reported hazardous mixtures were found to be non-compliant in some way. This is the findings of an EU-wide Enforcement Forum project on classification and labelling of mixtures.

Inspectors across the EU have checked the classification and labelling of 3,391 mixtures, including common mixtures such as detergents, cleaning products, paints and air fresheners.

Findings showed that 33% of the checked safety data sheets were non-compliant, 33% of the mixtures had incorrect labelling, and 17% were not classified correctly.

The report REF-6 PROJECT REPORT - Classification and labelling of mixtures concludes that increased effort should be made to improve information throughout the supply chain including the safety data sheets.

For more information on classification and labelling, please contact:

Helle M. Andersen
Tel +45 4516 9023