Manufacturers, importers and distributors supplying articles containing substances of very high concern (SVHCs) on the REACH Candidate List in a concentration above 0.1% w/w have an obligation to submit information on these articles to ECHA. Effective from 5 January 2021, the information must be submitted in the SCIP database (Substances of Concern In articles as such or in complex objects (Products)).
The information in SCIP will be made available to waste operators and consumers with the aim to improve waste management and increase transparency of hazardous substances.
IUCLID updated to include SCIP
ECHA is developing IT tools to support the submission of information on articles that contain SVHCs in a concentration above 0.1 % w/w. This involves the latest update of IUCLID (version 6.4), which includes a SCIP notification format for SVHCs in articles.
For more information on articles and IUCLID, please contact:
Peter Kortegaard
pko@ dhigroup. com
Tel +45 4516 9049