Aluminium and aluminium compounds are used in everyday cosmetic products such as lipsticks, toothpastes and antiperspirants. In this assessment SCCS has evaluated the safety of aluminium in cosmetic products, in particular antiperspirants. Consumers are also exposed to aluminium from food and other sources, but this assessment has not taken into account the daily dietary intake of aluminium.
SCCS’s latest Opinion on the safety of Aluminium in cosmetic products (Submission II) was published in October. Based on new data provided, the SCCS concludes that the use of aluminium in antiperspirants at the following concentrations is safe:
- 6.25% in non-spray antiperspirants
- 10.60% in spray antiperspirants
In addition, the SCCS concludes that the systemic exposure to aluminium via daily applications of cosmetic products does not add significantly to the systemic body burden of aluminium from other sources.
The preliminary Opinion on the safety of Aluminium in cosmetic products is open for comments. Deadline for comments is 17 February 2020.
For more information on the use of aluminium in consumer products and food, please contact:
Helle Buchardt Boyd
hbb@ dhigroup. com
Tel +45 4516 9097