The European Commission and ECHA have developed a new Evaluation Action Plan for compliance check of chemical registration dossiers in REACH. The goal is to increase the compliance check target of dossiers from 5% to 20% and in that way to encourage dossier compliance.
The focus will be on compliance checks of eight endpoints that are key to identifying substances of concern. The eight key endpoints comprise genotoxicity, repeated-dose toxicity, pre-natal developmental toxicity, reproduction toxicity, carcinogenicity, long-term aquatic toxicity, biodegradation and bioaccumulation.
The compliance checks will include both dossiers for substances registered in very high volumes (over 100 tonnes per year) and substances registered in lower volumes (1-100 tonnes per year).
Read more about ECHA’s REACH Evaluation Joint Action Plan
Furthermore, the European Commission is preparing an implementing regulation on dossier updates. This will specify timelines by which dossier updates should be made.
For more information on REACH dossiers and dossier updates, please contact:
Jens Tørsløv
jet@ dhigroup. com
Tel +45 4516 9022