Tick-borne encephalitis caused by cheese from unpasteurized milk

In 2020, French authorities discovered several cases of encephalitis in humans transmitted via goat cheese. The TBEV virus is usually transmitted to humans through tick bites.

A total of 43 inhabitants in eastern France were affected by meningitis and other types of encephalitis from the TBEV virus. The virus originated from goat cheese made from unpasteurized raw milk from the same farm and was transmitted via goats infected by tick bites in their pasture area. Tick-borne encephalitis does not cause symptoms in animals, and often the symptoms in humans resemble those of flu.

The French health authority ANSES is now investigating the importance of microbiota in the transmission of infections to humans. It is known that pasteurization eliminates the virus, and this will also be studied more closely.

Read more about the preliminary investigation of tick-borne encephalitis

For more information on foodborne infections, please contact:

Helle Buchardt Boyd    
Tel +45 4516 9097