UFI code – why so important

Since 1 January 2021 all mixtures in the EU classified for health and physical hazards must display a UFI code on the label. The UFI code is vital for access to correct emergency response.

The UFI code is a unique formula identifier used by the EU poison centres to identify health and physical effects of hazardous mixtures. In case of accidental exposure, the UFI code is used as an easy access to provide adequate emergency response.

Poison centre notification is a requirement
Consequently, UFI codes are only useful if accompanied by product notifications to the poison centres. The emergency response of the poison centres is in fact based on the health and physical hazards including the toxicological data submitted in the poison centre notifications (PCN). The UFI code is the access key to these data.

PCNs have been obligatory for classified mixtures for consumer and professional uses since 1 January 2021. Check that you have submitted PCNs for your products and if not, you should take corrective measures.

For more information about UFI codes and PCN notifications, please contact:

Ilaria de Rosa Carstensen  
Tel +45 4516 9369